Setting up an SSH proxy#


If you simply want to use OpenSSH to connect to login nodes of the VSC clusters, this is not the page you are looking for. Please check out how to use the ssh command.


ssh provides a safe way of connecting to a computer, encrypting traffic and avoiding passing passwords across public networks where your traffic might be intercepted by someone else. Yet making a server accessible from all over the world makes that server very vulnerable. Therefore servers are often put behind a firewall, another computer or device that filters traffic coming from the internet.

In the VSC, all clusters are behind a firewall, but for the tier-1 cluster muk this firewall is a bit more restrictive than for other clusters. Muk can only be approached from certain other computers in the VSC network, and only via the internal VSC network and not from the public network. To avoid having to log on twice, first to another login node in the VSC network and then from there on to Muk, one can set up a so-called ssh proxy. You then connect through another computer (the proxy server) to the computer that you really want to connect to.

This all sounds quite complicated, but once things are configure properly it is really simple to log on to the host.

Setting up a proxy in OpenSSH#

Setting up a proxy is done by adding a few lines to the file $HOME/.ssh/config on the machine from which you want to log on to another machine.

The basic structure is as follows:

Host <my_connectionname>
    ProxyCommand ssh -q %r@<proxy server> 'exec nc <target host> %p'
    User <userid>


  • <my_connectionname>: the name you want to use for this proxy connection. You can then log on to the <target host> using this proxy configuration using ssh <my_connectionname>

  • <proxy server>: The name of the proxy server for the connection

  • <target host>: The host to which you want to log on.

  • <userid>: Your userid on <target host>.

Caveat:Access via the proxy will only work if you have logged in to the proxy server itself at least once from the client you’re using.

Some examples#

A regular proxy without X forwarding#

In Linux or macOS, SSH proxies are configured as follows:

In your $HOME/.ssh/config file, add the following lines:

Host tier1
    ProxyCommand ssh -q %r@vsc.login.node 'exec nc %p'
    User vscXXXXX

where you replace vsc.login.node with the name of the login node of your home tier-2 cluster (see also the overview of available hardware).

Replace vscXXXXX your own VSC account name (e.g., vsc40000).

The name ‘tier1’ in the ‘Host’ field is arbitrary. Any name will do, and this is the name you need to use when logging in:

$ ssh tier1

A proxy with X forwarding#

This requires a minor modification to the lines above that need to be added to $HOME/.ssh/config:

Host tier1X
    ProxyCommand ssh -X -q %r@vsc.login.node 'exec nc %p'
    ForwardX11 yes
    User vscXXXXX

I.e., you need to add the -X option to the ssh command to enable X forwarding and need to add the line ‘ForwardX11 yes’.

$ ssh tier1X

will then log you on to with X forwarding enabled provided that the $DISPLAY variable was correctly set on the client on which you executed the ssh command. Note that simply executing

$ ssh -X tier1

has the same effect. It is not necessary to specify the X forwarding in the config file, it can be done just when running ssh.

The proxy for testing/debugging on muk#

For testing/debugging, you can login to the UGent login node over the VSC network. The following $HOME/.ssh/config can be used:

Host tier1debuglogin
    ProxyCommand ssh -q %r@vsc.login.node 'exec nc %p'
    User vscXXXXX

Change vscXXXXX to your VSC username and connect with

$ ssh tier1debuglogin

For advanced users#

You can define many more properties for a ssh connection in the config file, e.g., setting up ssh tunneling. On most Linux machines, you can get more information about all the possibilities by issuing

$ man 5 ssh_config

Alternatively, you can also google on this line and find copies of the manual page on the internet.