.. _Python packages: Python package management ========================= Introduction ------------ Python comes with an extensive standard library, and you are strongly encouraged to use those packages as much as possible, since this will ensure that your code can be run on any platform that supports Python. However, many useful extensions to and libraries for Python come in the form of packages that can be installed separately. Some of those are part of the default installation on VSC infrastructure, others have been made available through the module system and must be loaded explicitly. Given the astounding number of packages, it is not sustainable to install each and everyone system wide. Since it is very easy for a user to install them just for himself, or for his research group, that is not a problem though. Do not hesitate to contact support whenever you encounter trouble doing so. Checking for installed packages ------------------------------- To check which Python packages are installed, the ``pip`` utility is useful. It will list all packages that are installed for the Python distribution you are using, including those installed by you, i.e., those in your ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable. #. Load the module for the Python version you wish to use, e.g.,:: $ module load Python/3.7.0-foss-2018b #. Run ``pip``:: $ pip freeze Note that some packages, e.g., ``mpi4py``, ``pyh5``, ``pytables``,..., are available through the module system, and have to be loaded separately. These packages will not be listed by ``pip`` unless you loaded the corresponding module. In recent toolchains, many of the packages you need for scientific computing have been bundled into the ``SciPy-bundle`` module. .. _conda for Python: Install Python packages using conda ----------------------------------- .. note:: Conda packages are incompatible with the software modules. Usage of conda is discouraged in the clusters at UAntwerpen, UGent, and VUB. The easiest way to install and manage your own Python environment is conda. Using conda has some major advantages. - You can create project-specific environments that can be shared with others and (up to a point) across platforms. This makes it easier to ensure that your experiments are reproducible. - conda takes care of the dependencies, up to the level of system libraries. This makes it very easy to install packages. However, this last advantage is also a potential drawback: you have to review the libraries that conda installs because they may not have been optimized for the hardware you are using. For linear algebra, conda will typically use Intel MKL runtime libraries, giving you performance that is on par with the Python modules for `numpy` and `scipy`. However, care has to be taken in a number of situations. When you require ``mpi4py``, conda will typically use a library that is not configured and optimized for the networks used in our clusters, and the performance impact is quite severe. Another example is TensorFlow when running on CPUs, the default package is not optimized for the CPUs in our infrastructure, and will run sub-optimally. (Note that this is not the case when you run TensorFlow on GPUs, since conda will install the appropriate CUDA libraries.) These issues can be avoided by using Intel's Python distribution that contains Intel MPI and optimized versions of packages such as scikit-learn and TensorFlow. You will find `installation instructions `_ provided by Intel. .. _install_miniconda_python: Install Miniconda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have Miniconda already installed, you can skip ahead to the next section, if Miniconda is not installed, we start with that. Download the Bash script that will install it from `conda.io `_ using, e.g., ``wget``:: $ wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh Once downloaded, run the installation script:: $ bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $VSC_DATA/miniconda3 .. warning:: It is important to use ``$VSC_DATA`` to store your conda installation since environments tend to be large, and your quota in ``$VSC_HOME`` would be exceeded soon. Optionally, you can add the path to the Miniconda installation to the ``PATH`` environment variable in your ``.bashrc`` file. This is convenient, but may lead to conflicts when working with the module system, so make sure that you know what you are doing in either case. The line to add to your ``.bashrc`` file would be:: export PATH="${VSC_DATA}/miniconda3/bin:${PATH}" .. _create_python_conda_env: Create an environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First, ensure that the Miniconda installation is in your PATH environment variable. The following command should return the full path to the conda command:: $ which conda If the result is blank, or reports that conda can not be found, modify the ``PATH`` environment variable appropriately by adding Miniconda's ``bin`` directory to ``PATH``. You can create an environment based on the default conda channels, but it is recommended to at least consider the Intel Python distribution. Intel provides instructions on `how to install the Intel Python distribution `_. Alternatively, to creating a new conda environment based on the default channels: $ conda create -n science numpy scipy matplotlib This command creates a new conda environment called science, and installs a number of Python packages that you will probably want to have handy in any case to preprocess, visualize, or postprocess your data. You can of course install more, depending on your requirements and personal taste. This will default to the latest Python 3 version, if you need a specific version, e.g., Python 2.7.x, this can be specified as follows:: $ conda create -n science python=2.7 numpy scipy matplotlib Work with the environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To work with an environment, you have to activate it. This is done with, e.g., :: $ source activate science Here, ``science`` is the name of the environment you want to work in. Install an additional package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install an additional package, e.g., \`pandas`, first ensure that the environment you want to work in is activated. :: $ source activate science Next, install the package:: $ conda install tensorflow-gpu Note that conda will take care of all dependencies, including non-Python libraries (e.g., cuDNN and CUDA for the example above). This ensures that you work in a consistent environment. Update/remove a package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Using conda, it is easy to keep your packages up-to-date. Updating a single package (and its dependencies) can be done using:: $ conda update pandas Updating all packages in the environment is trivial:: $ conda update --all Removing an installed package:: $ conda remove tensorflow-gpu Deactivate an environment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To deactivate a conda environment, i.e., return the shell to its original state, use the following command:: $ source deactivate More information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional information about conda can be found on its `documentation site `_. Alternatives to conda --------------------- Setting up your own package repository for Python is straightforward. `PyPi, the Python Package Index `_ is a web repository of Python packages and you can easily install packages from it using either ``easy_install`` or ``pip``. In both cases, you'll have to create a subdirectory for Python in your ``${VSC_DATA}`` directory, add this directory to your ``PYTHONPATH`` after loading a suitable Python module, and then point ``easy_install`` or ``pip`` to that directory as the install target rather then the default (which of course is write-protected on a multi-user system). Both commands will take care of dependencies also. Installing packages using easy_install ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you prefer to use ``easy_install``, you can follow these instructions: #. Load the appropriate Python module, i.e., the one you want the python package to be available for:: $ module load Python/3.7.0-foss-2018b #. Create a directory to hold the packages you install, the last three directory names are mandatory:: $ mkdir -p "${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/" #. Add that directory to the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable for the current shell to do the installation:: $ export PYTHONPATH="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/:${PYTHONPATH}" #. Add the following to your ``.bashrc`` so that Python knows where to look next time you use it:: export PYTHONPATH="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/:${PYTHONPATH}" #. Install the package, using the ``--prefix`` option to specify the install path (this would install the sphinx package):: $ easy_install --prefix="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib" sphinx Installing packages using pip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you prefer using ``pip``, you can perform an install in your own directories as well by providing an install option. #. Load the appropriate Python module, i.e., the one you want the python package to be available for:: $ module load Python/3.7.0-foss-2018b #. Create a directory to hold the packages you install, the last three directory names are mandatory:: $ mkdir -p "${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/" #. Add that directory to the ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable for the current shell to do the installation:: $ export PYTHONPATH="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/:${PYTHONPATH}" #. Add the following to your ``.bashrc`` so that Python knows where to look next time you use it:: export PYTHONPATH="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib/lib/python3.7/site-packages/:${PYTHONPATH}" #. Install the package, using the ``--prefix`` install option to specify the install path (this would install the sphinx package):: $ pip install --install-option="--prefix=${VSC_DATA}/python_lib" sphinx For newer version of ``pip``, you would use:: $ pip install --prefix="${VSC_DATA}/python_lib" sphinx Installing Anaconda on NX node (KU Leuven Genius) ------------------------------------------------- #. Before installing make sure that you do not have a ``.local/lib`` directory in your ``$VSC_HOME``. In case it exists, please move it to some other location or temporary archive. It creates conflicts with Anaconda. #. Download appropriate (64-Bit (x86) Linux Installer) version of Anaconda from `https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual#Downloads `_ #. Change the permissions of the file (if necessary):: $ chmod u+x Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64.sh #. Execute the installer:: $ ./Anaconda3-2019.07-Linux-x86_64.sh You will be asked for to accept the license agreement, choose the location where it should be installed (please choose your ``$VSC_DATA``). After installation is done you can choose to installer to add the Anaconda path to your ``.bashrc``. We recommend not to do that as it will prevent creating NX desktops. Instead of that you can manually (or in another script) modify your path when you want to use Anaconda:: export PATH="${VSC_DATA}/anaconda3/bin:$PATH" #. Go to the directory where Anaconda is installed and check for updates, e.g.,:: $ cd anaconda3/bin/ $ conda update anaconda-navigator #. You can start the navigator from that directory with:: $ ./anaconda-navigator