.. _OpenSSH access: Text-mode access using OpenSSH ============================== Prerequisite: OpenSSH --------------------- You will need a public/private key pair to request and account, this key pair has to be used to authenticate when making a connection. For information on how to create a key pair, see :ref:`the page on generating keys `. How to connect? --------------- In many cases, a text mode connection to one of the VSC clusters is sufficient. To make such a connection, the ssh command is used: :: $ ssh @ Here, - ```` is your VSC username that you have received by mail after your request was approved, e.g., ``vsc98765``, and - ```` is the name of the login node of the VSC cluster you want to connect to, e.g., ``login.hpc.kuleuven.be``. You can find the names of the login nodes for the various clusters in the sections on the :ref:`available hardware `. .. note:: The first time you make a connection to a login node, you will be prompted to verify the authenticity of the login node, e.g., :: $ ssh vsc98765@login.hpc.kuleuven.be The authenticity of host 'login.hpc.kuleuven.be (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is b7:66:42:23:5c:d9:43:e8:b8:48:6f:2c:70:de:02:eb. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? How to connect with support for graphics? ----------------------------------------- On most clusters, we support a number of programs that have a GUI mode or display graphics otherwise through the X system. To be able to display the output of such a program on the screen of your Linux machine, you need to tell ssh to forward X traffic from the cluster to your Linux desktop/laptop by specifying the ``-X`` option. There is also an option ``-x`` to disable such traffic, depending on the default options on your system as specified in ``/etc/ssh/ssh_config``, or ``~/.ssh/config``. Example: :: $ ssh -X vsc98765@login.hpc.kuleuven.be To test the connection, you can try to start a simple X program on the login nodes, e.g., ``xeyes``. The latter will open a new window with a pair of eyes. The pupils of these eyes should follow your mouse pointer around. Close the program by typing \\"ctrl+c\": the window should disappear. If you get the error 'DISPLAY is not set', you did not correctly enable the X-Forwarding. How to configure the OpenSSH client? ------------------------------------ The SSH configuration file ``~/.ssh/config`` can be used to configure your SSH connections. For instance, to automatically define your username, or the location of your key, or add X forwarding. See below for some useful tips to help you save time when working on a terminal-based session. .. toctree:: ssh_config Managing keys with an SSH agent ------------------------------- It is convenient to use an SSH-agent to avoid having to enter your private key's passphrase all the time when establishing a new connection. .. toctree:: using_ssh_agent Proxies and network tunnels to compute nodes -------------------------------------------- Network communications between your local machine and some node in the cluster other than the login nodes will be blocked by the cluster firewall. In such a case, you can directly open a shell in the compute node with an SSH connection using the login node as a proxy or, alternatively, you can also open a network tunnel to the compute node which will allow direct communication from software in your computer to certain ports in the remote system. .. toctree:: setting_up_a_ssh_proxy creating_a_ssh_tunnel_using_openssh .. _troubleshoot_openssh: Troubleshooting OpenSSH connection issues ----------------------------------------- When contacting support regarding connection issues, it saves time if you provide the verbose output of the ``ssh`` command. This can be obtained by adding the ``-vvv`` option for maximal verbosity. If you get a ``Permission denied`` error message, one of the things to verify is that your private key is in the default location, i.e., the output of ``ls ~/.ssh`` should show a file named ``id_rsa_vsc``. The second thing to check is that your :ref:`private key is linked to your VSC-id ` in your :ref:`SSH configuration file ` at ``~/.ssh/config``. If your private key is not stored in ``~/.ssh/id_rsa_vsc``, you need to adapt the path to it in your ``~/.ssh/config`` file. Alternatively, you can provide the path as an option to the ``ssh`` command when making the connection: :: $ ssh -i @ SSH Manual ---------- - `ssh manual page`_